Unfortunately I have decided to postpone this until the 7 April for the main start date. Same rules apply about clans and members being busy. I have done this because we only have 5 teams at the moment. I have been told by various clans that they wanted to play but when I went for an update "we don't have enough members" or "such and such has been absent for a while now"
If by 7 April no more teams are found we will go ahead with the tournament, but it will be play each team twice in a bo3 contest (not on same day though)
More info to follow in due course.
#Woop Woop
The time has come for a new Freeze Tag tournament.
This has been delayed a bit because I have been really busy with work commitments recently. So lets get to it
Game type: Freeze Tag
Bracket: challonge.com/drunkfreezeStart Date: 7 April 2014
Teamsize: 4v4
Format: Round Robin with each team playing each other in a best of 3 contest.
Matches: Will be 'Best of 3'
Map Picking Procedure: Cointoss winner picks first, then opposing team picks and drops then cointoss winner has the final drop.
Winner: Pick,
Loser: Pick then Drop,
Winner: Drop. The remaining map will be the tie-breaker
Map Pool: Arcane Citadel -- Deep Inside -- Dreadful Place -- Limbus -- Retribution
Server Locations: To be decided by teams before the match starts.
Problems During The Match: If a player has a technical problem (i.e. 999) within 1 minute of the start of the match the match is to be aborted and restarted. If the issue is after the 1 minute mark the match is to be paused for a maximum of 10 minutes (which is sufficient time for a computer reboot).
PLEASE NOTE: Quake has a certain bug sometimes when players cannot join during a timeout/pause, if this occurs the match is to be unpaused and the match is to continue as normal and it is then up to that player to get into the server as quickly as possible to help his team-mates.
Server Settings: {"maps":["arcanecitadel","dreadfulplace","deepinside","limbus","retribution"],"cvars":{"g_gametype":9,"teamsize":4,"g_freezeThawWinningTeam":0,"g_freezeEnvironmentalRespawnDelay":4000,"g_freezeRoundDelay":0,"g_freezeThawTick":2,"g_freezeAutoThawTime":90000,"g_timeoutLen":60,"g_complaintLimit":0,"g_friendlyFire":1,"g_startingWeapons":255,"web_access":1,"sv_warmupReadyPercentage":1,"ruleset":1,"g_damage_lg":7,"roundlimit":20,"timelimit":15}}
Or they can be found
here at my dropboxThe main differences are it is now a 10 round limit instead of 20. We decided this because some teams would maybe like to play more than one set of matches in one evening, and it saves teams having to go through the motions for too long a period if they maybe aren't playing that well. It has been tested and it seemed to make it a more enjoyable experience. Environmental Respawn delay is now 4 seconds instead of instant. So if you throw yourself in lava or void it is a 4 second delay before you respawn.
So slightly different from uFreeze but with enough similarity to keep it nice and fast.
Prizes: TBC
More Info: Some teams might have a bit of a delayed start due to other quake commitments, if so move on to your next opponents and re-arrange the match accordingly.
Note to team captains: If you are online on QL please make yourself available on
#clanchill @ quakenet this way it just makes it easier to arrange matches as majority of team captain are present there.
Voice Comms: We have our own teamspeak channel which participants are free to use if they wish, details can be sought from either myself or
terrorj on #drunk or #clanchill. If we are not about on the channel then you will need to type !voice in the #clanchill channel and it will bring up details and just look for drunk or qrunk teamspeak channel.
Any questions please ask here or hunt me down on irc @ #drunk or #clanchill